1 |
Die Romane von Elisabeth Josephi
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Scientific publication |
Juris Andrejs Kastiņš
2020 |
2 |
Digimodernisms teātrī - perspektīva un naratīvs
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Scientific publication |
Vēsma Lēvalde
2020 |
3 |
Divpadsmit kilometri. Stāsts
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Other publications |
Zanda Gūtmane
2020 |
4 |
Dziedinošās darbības un to veicēji folkloras un valodas liecībās
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Scientific publication |
Ieva Ančevska
2020 |
5 |
Dzirdes un balss koordinācijas attīstīšana dziedāšanā: latviešu valodā izdotajā metodiskajā literatūrā
Scientific publication |
Baiba Trinīte,
Madara Ivane
2020 |
6 |
E-material formatting application prototype 2.0 development through usability testing of prototype 1.0
Institute of Science and Innovative Technologies (ISIT) |
Scientific publication |
Anita Jansone,
Kristīne Mackare,
Raivo Mackars
2020 |
7 |
E-studiju tehnoloģijas jauniešu drošības veicināšanā
Institute of Educational Sciences (IES) |
Scientific publication |
Kaspars Vārpiņš,
Alīda Samuseviča
2020 |
8 |
End-of-life tyre recycling: Going Beyond to new circular business models in Latvia
Institute of Science and Innovative Technologies (ISIT) |
Scientific publication |
Inga Uvarova,
Dzintra Atstāja,
Viola Korpa,
Līga Avena,
Miks Erdmanis
2020 |
9 |
Eriks Ādamsons
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Other publications |
Edgars Lāma
2020 |
10 |
Ethnoculture Characteristics of the Baltic Nations in Turkestan (1867–1924)
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Scientific publication |
Daiga Straupeniece,
Sherzodjon Choriev
2020 |
11 |
Ethnoculture of The Baltic Nation in Turkestan (1867–1917)
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Scientific publication |
Daiga Straupeniece,
Sherzodjon Choriev
2020 |
12 |
Ēvalds Vilks.
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Other publications |
Zanda Gūtmane
2020 |
13 |
Evaluation of the Possibilities of Development of Digital Competence According to Labour Market Trends in Latvia
Institute of Management Sciences (IMS) |
Scientific publication |
Una Libkovska,
Veronika Bikse,
Dita Lašinska,
Baiba Rivža
2020 |
14 |
Exploration of Language Skills of Monolingual and Bilingual Pre-school Children
Scientific publication |
Dace Markus,
Dina Bethere,
Svetlana Ušča
2020 |
15 |
Factors affecting willingness to fight for a country in the Latvian and Russian-speaking communities in Latvia
Scientific publication |
Ieva Bērziņa,
Uldis Zupa
2020 |
16 |
Financial Viability of Circular Business Models in Tyre Recycling Industry in Latvia
Institute of Science and Innovative Technologies (ISIT) |
Scientific publication |
Inga Uvarova,
Dzintra Atstāja,
Viola Korpa,
Miks Erdmanis
2020 |
17 |
From Basement to Campus: the Affordances and Genius Loci of a University
Scientific publication |
Christopher Hales
2020 |
18 |
Future challenges in social work education and practice
Scientific publication |
Irina Vereščagina,
Dace Erkena
2020 |
19 |
Garīgums un pasaules redzējums augstākās izglītības kontekstā
Institute of Educational Sciences (IES) |
Scientific publication |
Lāsma Latsone,
Dzintra Iliško
2020 |
20 |
Gintera Grasa pēdējā atzīšanās
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Scientific publication |
Juris Andrejs Kastiņš
2020 |
21 |
Green growth assessment discourse on evaluation indices in the european union
Institute of Science and Innovative Technologies (ISIT) |
Scientific publication |
Lilita Ābele,
Agne Šneiderienė,
Rasa Viederyte
2020 |
22 |
Ieskats drukātās reklāmas vēsturē 20. gadsimta 30. gados: daži Liepājas piemēri
Scientific publication |
Uldis Drišļuks,
Ārija Kolosova,
Inta Kulberga
2020 |
23 |
Ieskats latviešu fokloristikas terminoloģijas attīstībā
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Scientific publication |
Anita Helviga
2020 |
24 |
Ievads runas un rakstu kultūrā
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Other publications |
Dace Markus,
Anna Vulāne
2020 |
25 |
Infinitīva izvēle un lietojums mērķa formulējumā zinātniskajos rakstos latviešu valodā (2008–2018)
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Scientific publication |
Diāna Laiveniece
2020 |