1 |
Veidenbauma dzejas intertekstualitāte
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Scientific publication |
Juris Andrejs Kastiņš
2020 |
2 |
Viltusdraugi vadībzinātnes promocijas darbu kopsavilkumos angļu un latviešu valodā
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Scientific publication |
Iveta Kopankina
2020 |
3 |
Vispārīgā didaktika skolotāju sagatavošanas programmās
Institute of Educational Sciences (IES) |
Scientific publication |
Ilma Neimane
2020 |
4 |
Visual communication – in the process of developing digital competence
Institute of Educational Sciences (IES) |
Scientific publication |
Alīda Samuseviča,
Kristaps Lapšāns
2020 |
5 |
Vizma Belševica
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Other publications |
Anda Kuduma
2020 |
6 |
Youth Values: Analysis Outcomes of Latvia Secondary School Students’ Essays
Institute of Educational Sciences (IES) |
Scientific publication |
Zenta Anspoka
2020 |
7 |
Zeigma – viens no mazāk zināmajiem tropu veidiem: nosaukums, skaidrojums, piemēri / Zeugma - a Less Known Kind of Tropes: Denomination, Explanation, Examples
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Scientific publication |
Anita Helviga
2020 |
8 |
Орфографические ошибки в русском языке как иностранном в основной школе
Scientific publication |
Marina Novika,
Anna Ščuka
2020 |