1 |
Sabiedrība un kultūra
Institute of Educational Sciences (IES) |
Rakstu krājums |
Arturs Medveckis
2019 |
2 |
Sadarbības rīki interneta vidē un to nozīme topošo matemātikas skolotāju metodiskās kompetences attīstībā
Scientific publication |
Inese Briška
2019 |
3 |
Satisfaction with Environment of Regional Health Care Institution: Patients’ Opinions and Societal Stereotypes.
Institute of Educational Sciences (IES) |
Scientific publication |
Arturs Medveckis,
Tamāra Pīgozne
2019 |
4 |
Scriptus Manet: humanitāro un mākslas zinātņu žurnāls
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Žurnāls |
Linda Lauze
2019 |
5 |
Second language grammar of pre-school children acquiring Latvian as the second language in an instructional setting
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Scientific publication |
Ingēra Tomme-Jukēvica
2019 |
6 |
Self-actualization opportunities for immigrants in the context of diversity
Institute of Educational Sciences (IES) |
Scientific publication |
Lāsma Latsone,
Linda Pavītola
2019 |
7 |
Skolēnu pašvadītas mācīšanās veicināšana debašu procesā
Promotion work |
Maija Ročāne
2019 |
8 |
Starp dzīvošanas īstenībām un mākoņu gubām. Par Ilzes Šķipsnas stāstu izlasi „Puse patiesības un citi stāsti”
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
-none- |
Zanda Gūtmane
2019 |
9 |
Starpdisciplinārās pieejas pieredze skolas un augstskolas kontekstā
Scientific publication |
Indra Kalniņa,
Ārija Kolosova
2019 |
10 |
Study guide on the Baltic - Nordic common identities and the cultural footprints
Institute of Management Sciences (IMS) |
Other publications |
Laurencija Budryte-Ausiejiene,
Ilze Grospiņa,
Inese Lūsēna-Ezera,
Eduardas Spiriajevas
2019 |
11 |
Subjektīvā realitāte un informācijas šifrēšana. Versija par problēmu.
Scientific publication |
Zaigonis Graumanis
2019 |
12 |
Teamwork impact on start-up manufacturing enterprise work provision
Institute of Management Sciences (IMS) |
Scientific publication |
Atis Egliņš-Eglītis,
Diāna Līduma,
Inese Lūsēna-Ezera
2019 |
13 |
Teātris tehnoloģiju laikmetā. Digimodernisms un teātra teksts
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Scientific publication |
Vēsma Lēvalde
2019 |
14 |
Technology enhanced learning in teachers' professional development
Institute of Science and Innovative Technologies (ISIT) |
Scientific publication |
Dina Barute,
Anita Jansone,
Ilva Magazeina,
Lāsma Ulmane-Ozoliņa
2019 |
15 |
The Attitide of Digital Natives Towards Intrapersonal Communication
Institute of Management Sciences (IMS) |
Scientific publication |
Sandra Veinberga
2019 |
16 |
The Baltic countries towards the goals of waste framework directive
Institute of Science and Innovative Technologies (ISIT) |
Scientific publication |
Lilita Ābele,
Dzintra Atstāja,
Natālija Cudečka-Puriņa,
Vladimirs Cudeckis
2019 |
17 |
The concept for e-material creating and formatting application prototype
Institute of Science and Innovative Technologies (ISIT) |
Scientific publication |
Anita Jansone,
Kristīne Mackare
2019 |
18 |
Institute of Science and Innovative Technologies (ISIT) |
Scientific publication |
Dzintra Atstāja,
Natālija Cudečka-Puriņa,
Rudīte Vesere
2019 |
19 |
The influence of marketing theory and practice on development of public relations education in Latvia
Scientific publication |
Inga Sprice
2019 |
20 |
The lexical competence of preschoolers acquiring Latvian as the second language in an instructional setting
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Scientific publication |
Ingēra Tomme-Jukēvica
2019 |
21 |
The Prototype Version for e-Material Creating and Formatting Application
Institute of Science and Innovative Technologies (ISIT) |
Scientific publication |
Anita Jansone,
Iļja Konarevs,
Kristīne Mackare
2019 |
22 |
The risks created by learning overload for grade 1-3 pupils
Institute of Educational Sciences (IES) |
Scientific publication |
Agate Cukura,
Pāvels Jurs
2019 |
23 |
The skills and emotional intelligence of Twitter communications through the lens of cultural anthropology
Institute of Management Sciences (IMS) |
Scientific publication |
Sandra Veinberga
2019 |
24 |
The types of errors in the speech production of preschoolers acquiring Latvian as the second language in an instructional setting
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Scientific publication |
Ingēra Tomme-Jukēvica
2019 |
25 |
Totalitārisma traumu izpausmes Baltijas prozā
Monography |
Zanda Gūtmane
2019 |