1 |
Second language grammar of pre-school children acquiring Latvian as the second language in an instructional setting
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Scientific publication |
Ingēra Tomme-Jukēvica
2019 |
2 |
The lexical competence of preschoolers acquiring Latvian as the second language in an instructional setting
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Scientific publication |
Ingēra Tomme-Jukēvica
2019 |
3 |
The types of errors in the speech production of preschoolers acquiring Latvian as the second language in an instructional setting
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Scientific publication |
Ingēra Tomme-Jukēvica
2019 |
4 |
Bilingvālo rusofono pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu latviešu runas specifika : promocijas darba kopsavilkums
Kurzeme Institute of Humanities (KIH) |
Promotion work |
Ingēra Tomme-Jukēvica
2018 |