1 |
Skaudība. Kā to pamanīt citos un uzvarēt sevī
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Monography |
Sandra Veinberga
2021 |
2 |
Some Notes on the Use of Mikhail Bakhtin’s Dialogism (Heteroglossia) as a Method in Media Text Analysis
Institute of Management Sciences (IMS) |
Scientific publication |
Sandra Veinberga
2020 |
3 |
Komunikācija. Teorija un prakse
Institute of Management Sciences (IMS) |
Monography |
Sandra Veinberga
2019 |
4 |
Mikhail Bakhtins dialogism in media communication
Institute of Management Sciences (IMS) |
Scientific publication |
Sandra Veinberga
2019 |
5 |
The Attitide of Digital Natives Towards Intrapersonal Communication
Institute of Management Sciences (IMS) |
Scientific publication |
Sandra Veinberga
2019 |
6 |
The skills and emotional intelligence of Twitter communications through the lens of cultural anthropology
Institute of Management Sciences (IMS) |
Scientific publication |
Sandra Veinberga
2019 |
7 |
Cenzūras ietekmes virzieni latviešu grāmatniecības un publicistikas attīstībā līdz Latvijas valsts neatkarības iegūšanai (1918)
Institute of Management Sciences (IMS) |
Scientific publication |
Sandra Veinberga
2018 |
8 |
Digital natives and intrapersonal communication
Institute of Management Sciences (IMS) |
Scientific publication |
Sandra Veinberga
2018 |
9 |
Unfamiliar concepts as an obstacle for critical thinking in public discussions regarding women’s rights issues in Latvia. Reflective thinking in the ‘fake news’ era.
Institute of Management Sciences (IMS) |
Scientific publication |
Sandra Veinberga
2018 |
10 |
Īss ieskats rokrakstu avīzēs kā Latvijas agrīnās periodikas aizmetņos 17. gadsimtā. Brief insight into handwritten newspapers as the onset of the early periodicals in Latvia in the 17th century
Institute of Management Sciences (IMS) |
Scientific publication |
Sandra Veinberga
2017 |
11 |
The consequences of colonialism in Latvia during a mass migration period in Europe (2015/2016)
Institute of Management Sciences (IMS) |
Scientific publication |
Sandra Veinberga
2017 |