
15 March 2019

Students share their results on case study in Liepaja enterprise

On 15th March in Liepaja University in the framework of the project "Circular economy Intensive Week" students from five universities from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland shared their results about case study in the local Liepaja enterprise “Liepājas Papīrs”.

Three days students were working together in groups by carrying out solutions for efficient waste management for this enterprise and presented their ideas to the enterprise representatives of the production and selling department on how to use the unusable paper material, which has been arisen during the production process. The aim was to offer concrete solutions (technologies) that could be established in the enterprise according to the Circular economy model being environmentally friendly and profitable. The representatives from the enterprise took students advice and were positively surprised about students’ productive work and their found solutions, which they will study more deeper afterwards.

The students during the project have also created their blogue about circular economy: