
1 February 2022

Phd student from South Africa spends one study semester at Liepaja University

A doctoral student Mzwandile Wiseman Zulu from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) in South Africa  had spent one Erasmus+ study exchange semester at Liepaja University (LiepU) thanks to the Erasmus+ scholarship which was granted from LiepU under the partnership between both universities. During studies he was developing a doctoral thesis within LiepU Phd study programme "Educational Sciences" and giving several lectures in Mathematics. 

Reason for deciding to participate in Erasmus+ study mobility?

After nine years of being a student in higher education in my country and getting experience of teaching in the same environment, it was then logical that I obtain an international exposure to increase my academic engagement and to further broaden my horizons. This opportunity incrementally contributed in my gaining in confidence to interact with colleagues from the global north. Needless to mention it also enhanced my learnings, scholarship, and networking as an emerging academic.

Academic and personal gains from Erasmus+ study mobility?

Ability to engage with international students and academics from all around the globe as well as local citizens as a foreigner.

What were your most significant impressions and experiences while living outside your home country during Erasmus+ mobility?

The culture of learning in an EU higher education institution as well as teaching and learning in one of the schools in a European country. I had a great experience when I spent a day in one of the schools in my hosting country where I visited grade 10, 11 and 12 during their Mathematics and English lessons. Furthermore, the interesting culture and traditions of the Latvian people outside the university environment was one of the significant impressions during my mobility experience.

What kind of advice would you like to share with future Erasmus+ students?

To be mindful and open minded about different cultures of people from all around the world since Erasmus+ students come from different parts of the world. They must be open to learning and trying new things from their hosting country/university during the mobility period. Moreover, they need to be more knowledgeable about their own country before departure as they will be expected to share a lot about their home country beyond what is already on the internet. It is very important to be able to talk about your country and share the authentic lived experiences of the citizens of your country including the education system.

Anything else you find important to mention regarding your Erasmus+ study mobility?

It is a phenomenal experience that every hardworking student should get at least one opportunity to participate in.