
11.11.2011 00:00

Infiniti Design launches the 2nd edition of the Infiniti Design De-Contest entitled “Living Everywhere”

Aimed at young designers of any nationality, it will award projects that best represent one of the five continents, taking inspiration from how they have been portrayed in some internationaly renowned movies.    Taking as a starting point the idea that the history of design should be seen as a process of evolution which draws inspiration from all the different parts and arts of the world, Infiniti - young italian brand in continuous evolution producing chairs, tables and stools – launches the second edition of the Infiniti Design De-Contest,entitled “Living Everywhere” and aimed at young designers born after 01/01/1972.    In a dynamic and international perspective, - that is where the title come from –Infiniti dares young designers to create projects of chairs, stools, tables and other home furnishing accessories, that ideally represent their native continent. The inspiration should come from how they have been portrayed in some internationaly renowned films. In other words, when creating their design, designers must use a movie which is setentirely in the continent where they live as their inspiration.    For their projects, designers will be allowed to use any kind of material in the three categories defined in the call for proposals – Europe and Africa, Asia and Oceania, The Americas - according to the movie titles corresponding to each category.   “Since it was born – tells Marco Ceccato, Sales Director at Infiniti – Infiniti has been acting as a young, rapidly growing brand, which holds values such as internationality and creative sharing, innovation and design culture. So we have decided to repeat the exciting experience of the past year, launching a contest based on contamination of design with cinema”.'   The purpose of the competition is to award professional contracts to the designers whose work best embodies the theme of this second annual contest. The objects created by the winning designers will be included in the Infiniti Design catalogue and sales rights will be agreed between the company and the designer with a formal professional contract.    An expert panel of judges wil select the best projects submitted and will determine a winning project in each category. Winning products will be presented during the Salone del Mobile di Milano 2012.   The closing date for submission of projects is 29 February 2012.   For information and the call for proposals: www.infinitidesign.it - info@infinitidesign.it   THE INFINITI BRAND Creativity, technological innovation and design awareness. These are the key concepts to understanding the philosophy of Infiniti, an up and coming young brand which proposes furnishing accessories – chairs, stools, tables – designed for working, relaxing and socialising. Forward - looking solutions to today’s living needs, the result of research and advanced technologies: objects designed not only to be useful but also ergonomic and pleasing to the eye, guarantee ingrecyclability and proposing intelligent solutions. An ongoing search, facilitated by the support of young international designers who, thanks to Infiniti, have found an outlet for their talent. These products are 100% Made in Italy, synonymous with quality and control in each individual step of the production process, and offer flexible rapid delivery times due to shortening of the commercial chain. This also means that, while aiming at a medium-high range target, the Infiniti products maintain a competitive price and, with their attractive design, are ideal for furnishing houses all over the world.     Via Ca’ Leoncino 2 31030 Castello di Godego (TV) Tel. 0423/7616 – Fax 0423/761700 www.infinitidesign.it - info@infinitidesign.it www.facebook.com/infinitidesign.ompgroup     The Drop chair (Radice-Orlandini design)   The G-Chair (Jakob Thau design)     The Pin Up stool (Studio Zetass design)